
About CanMediate

CanMediate International specializes in helping leadership teams navigate the conflicts and challenges that can disrupt organizational success. By opening a window into the hidden dynamics in your organization, we can help you identify the patterns that are creating conflict, draining productivity and morale and negatively impacting your success. Our objective is to help you ‘renew’ your workplace to create a healthier more productive and profitable workplace. Our programs, consulting and keynotes are customized to meet your needs and objectives. (Full Profile)


Contact Us

Ruth Sirman

Ruth Sirman is an Internationally Certified Mediator (International Mediation Institute), speaker, trainer and consultant with a passion for helping clients create healthy organizations and happy, productive employees since 1992. She has a B.Sc. in Integrated Science and a Master’s Certificate in Mediation.

Ruth combines her 30+ years’ experience as a scientist, mediator, OD consultant, Systems Thinker, farmer, parent and life-long questioner to help organizations understand the dynamics they are facing through a different set of lenses. There is a competitive edge to being able to see patterns, links and connections that are normally hidden, so that the time, energy and resources invested to solve the “problems” are actually solving the problems that are causing the issues… She engages entire organizations in exploring the current reality with a focus on asking the questions that need to be asked, looking below the waterline at what is really going on and helping people make sense of the patterns that emerge.

And if possible she’ll encourage you to take as much of it as possible outside! (kayaking is always an option…)

(Full Bio)

Michael Lang

imgMichael Lang has been a mediator, trainer, and consultant for over 35 years in the areas of workplace, organizational, divorce, family and public policy disputes.His consultation and training clients include businesses, government agencies, not-for-profit organizations and university faculties. (Full Bio)

Jim Musgrave

imgJim Musgrave, Q.C., is a Halifax-based commercial lawyer with an active mediation and facilitation practice. He specializes in complex conflict situations in government, business, workplace and institutional contexts. He was the first National President of the ADR Institute of Canada from Atlantic Canada. (Full Bio)

Yvan Dion

YvanYvan is a fully bilingual (Eng/Fr) coach and mediator. Since 2001, he has worked with federal government, corporate, health-care and not-for-profit sector clients at all levels to resolve conflicts and improve communication and interpersonal skills. His mission: Empowering success in people and teams... (Full Bio)