Organizational Conflict

Assessing Your Organization…

  • Slide 5

    What’s really going on? Above, Below and On the Surface?

  • Slide 4

    Is the path clear and are conditions good?

  • Slide 3

    Or are you trying to navigate through the fog?

  • Slide 2

    Is there trouble ahead??

  • Slide 1

    What if you had a bird’s eye view?

When the surface of the water goes from smooth to rough, it is not the surface of the water that has changed. It is relatively easy to see the changes around and above the water, but, much more difficult to get a good read on what is going on under the surface. This is where we can help, our 20 plus years of experience working with organizational leaders and teams to explore and discover what is really going on – and what is NOT being talked about, has helped many groups take control and establish strategies for improved productivity and greater success.

At CanMediate, we do not use a formulaic ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to these initiatives as every situation is different and a customized approach is needed to find a process and solutions that fit each particular situation and the parties involved. Our approach is to partner with the Client organization including participants and management, HR and Union (as appropriate) to create a process that fits your situation and your organization.
Contact Us

Mediation and ADR Processes

When conflict needs to be resolved between individuals or small groups, we can help individuals figure out a workable approach to resolving it themselves through Conflict Resolution Coaching or we can facilitate a Mediation process to help people find solutions to their issues. Not sure what you need – contact us and we’ll help you figure it out.

Workplace Assessments and Partnered Workplace Renewal Process

This process is designed to support organizations to take work groups who have conflict and help them create a healthier, more productive working environment. In some areas this is called Workplace Restoration however we believe that typically people don’t want to restore things back to what was before (which wasn’t great…) – typically they want to improve the situation – so we call it Workplace Renewal.

Professional Workplace Interaction Coaching Program

The Professional Workplace Interaction Coaching Program is a unique practical learning experience where individuals are invited to examine their default behaviour patterns and the ‘dance’ of interactions they have with others in the workplace. Our objective is to engage participants in seeing the value in making changes that will support their personal and professional success and create a healthier working environment for all.

Contact us

If you are experiencing any of these situations we have solutions that work.
Call us, the first 30 minute consult is always FREE. Then decide if you wish to continue.

Not sure where things are at? Download our Organizational Health Audit, give it out to your team (or just do it yourself) and send it back to us. We will do a FREE analysis and provide you the results. No obligations.